Where is Merdeka, and what’s the house like?
Merdeka is a large town house with a courtyard garden in a town called Hastings. The house is just a few minutes walk from the beach and the town centre.
Hastings is famous for it’s history and the Battle of Hastings which you will no doubt learn about whilst living in 1066 country. It is also famous for hosting the world championship mini golf and also holds an annual pirate day each year! There is loads to see and do in Hastings and the surrounding area. The beach, sports centres, sports courts, clubs and loads of countryside for outdoor activities too. Hastings is an hours train journey from Brighton and an hour or so down the road from London, so there are great venturing-out possibilities too!

From everybody here at Merdeka and at Anderida, we want to welcome you, and help you make this your new home.
At Merdeka we aim to help you achieve your goals, these may be:
· Getting back into education
· Developing into independence
· Moving back into your family home
· Settling into a community
· Finding employment
· Managing your behaviour
· Coping better with problems
· Staying out of trouble!
· Feeling happier within yourself
To do this we will develop a Support Plan with your goals. These goals will be discussed with you during meetings in order for you to feel that they are relevant to your needs. You will meet with your social worker on a regular basis to discuss how you are getting on and to plan for the future.
We also work closely with leaving care teams in order that all moves into independence are planned and successful.