What to look out for...
Someone gives you gifts for no reason.
You hang around with older adults or you have an older boyfriend or girlfriend.
You are offered alcohol or drugs by adults you don’t know well.
You are given money or credit for your phone by someone you don’t know well.
You get lifts on cars with people you don’t know well.
You are pressured into having sex or doing other things like watching pornography.
An adult you don’t know offers you somewhere to stay.
Sometimes you run away from home.
Sexual Exploitation
Nobody deserves to be bullied. Worries about being bullied sometimes affect young people, especially when they are in unfamiliar surroundings. Bullying is persistent and targeted abuse against one person, or sometimes a small group of people. It can take many forms and we recognise it as physical attack, verbal abuse, damage to property, spreading rumours or isolating an individual. We aim to protect all young people and staff from such abuse. We do not accept any kind of bullying and we take it very seriously. Any form of discrimination will result in action being taken.
We are an equal opportunities establishment and we will not tolerate people discriminating on the grounds of Race, Ethnicity, Sexuality, Gender, Religion, Culture, Creed, Disability or Age.
Equal Opportunities
Alcohol, Illegal Substances, Weapons and Violence
Anderida homes are places of safety and security for all. There is to be no alcohol, illegal substances or offensive weapons on the premises whatsoever. Any possession of such items may lead to Police involvement. Any form of assault on any Young Person, member of staff, or the community is taken extremely seriously and we will support police involvement at all times.
We take your concerns seriously. If something is bothering you, then you need to feel free to say so. We are here to listen to your concerns and they are dealt with in clear stages and investigated as necessary.
Anderida’s designated complaints person is Santa Fowler (Assistant Office Manager), who can be contacted by mentors on the young person’s behalf on the office number. As the first point of contact, Santa will take full details of the complaint and investigate the matter.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation you can appeal to your Social Worker or OFSTED (0800 1231231) the Children’s Rights Directorate. You can also contact Childline who offer support on a free phone number (0800 1111) or if you require an Advocate you can call Express Advocacy (01323 733111).