Avenues for Help
Whilst you are with us it is important that you are aware of your avenues of help.
You may need to talk to someone in confidence on a one to one basis. Should you choose to see a counsellor, we can assist you.
Social Worker
Regular meetings will take place with your Social Worker, they are always just a phone call away.
Advocate Service
Young People will be informed of the local advisory service. This is completely confidential and anything discussed will not be disclosed unless the young person has given their permission.
Family Contact
We will work closely with the important people in your life to make sure that contact is maintained wherever possible. Your wishes will always be taken into consideration, although we cannot guarantee that they will always be granted.
Smiling Mind
On your PC, or as an app for your phone, Smiling Mind is like modern meditation for young people. It's super-simple and will give you a sense of calm, clarity and contentment. Try it!
It is very common for young people who stay with us to have upsetting memories from the past that they would like to feel differently about.
Often, young people will want to feel more positive about their future and learn some coping skills to help them achieve their goals; whether that’s to have better relationships with others, feel less angry or anxious, get a job, live independently or anything else they would like.
At Anderida we are lucky to work closely with Kerry Shoesmith, Director of Care at Anderida. Kerry has worked with teenagers in care for many years, and is able to support you to cope with difficult feelings and help you make positive changes to your life. Kerry offers one-to-one meetings all of which are strictly confidential, and these meetings are held outside of the home so that it is private.
Kerry also supports our young people by meeting with the staff teams to think about how your home can be as positive as possible for you.
You do not have to utilise your sessions, but it will be an option open to you for as long as you are with us.
Therapy & Life Coaching
Kerry Shoesmith
When you arrive, we will help you register with a doctor, optician and dentist. If you have any medication, this will be looked after carefully and given to you correctly and safely.
You are not permitted to smoke in the home or in the car, and it is important that you understand mentors will actively discourage you from smoking.
We promote healthy living, from the food you eat to the exercise that you join in with, and all our homes are in areas full of exciting things to do.
We have enthusiastic and motivated mentors who will always be up for fun activities and sports.
With regards to sexual health, a local sexual health nurse named Bee Chissell often sees our young people at the home. It is voluntary for you to meet with her and get advice. The home will make a referral when you first arrive to set up an initial meeting, and you will then be able to contact her directly should you wish to do so.
Bee Chissell: 07554 437226
Being Healthy
Avenue House
The Avenue
BN21 3XY
Tel: 01323 416100 (Option 1)
Station Plaza Health Centre
Station Plaza
TN34 1BA
Tel: 01424 464750
Hailsham Health Centre
Vicarage Field
BN27 1BE
Tel: 01323 840851
Loss &
Sometimes we lose people. It's a sad fact of life that, at some point, we all have to deal with. If you have lost someone close to you, or should ever lose someone in the future, it's likely to be a time when you require more support than ever. We want you to know that we'll help you in any way we can to deal with the inevitable grief. Here are some useful resources.