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Cook From Your Roots


Some of you will know your heritage and your background like the back of your hand, whilst some of you might be a little in the dark about where you're from. Use this time and the resources on this page to get a handle on your roots and where you're from and cook up something inspired by what you discover. 


What is your ethnic background? If you are of Indian decent, for example, perhaps you could make an indian meal, or could you drill down your origins and find out what part of India your family are originally from and cook a meal deriving from that particular area? Or are you, your parents and grandparents, born and bred in a specific area of the UK? If you're from Lancashire, for example, you could try and rustle up a hotpot! Scotland? How about a shepherd's pie... Cumberland sausages, Cornish pasties, Essex pea soup, etc etc, you get the idea. Get on Google and search 'traditional dish' with where you're from as a good starting point, or maybe call someone in your family or a friend back home to find out more!


It's time to put your research trousers on, and let's get to grips with what you're all about!


Click on the above image to download a blank pdf to write your immediate family tree on. Add where they're from and any extra info that you find out - like their jobs or anything interesting they've done. Why not make a few calls to some family members to get as much info as you can. If you'd like to add more of your family, draw up your own family tree on paper. If you want to go hard on the ancestry thing, sign up for and dig right back to the 1700's! But bear in mind, these are often paid services, so asking your family for info is a great place to start.

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