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Your task is to produce a CD or DVD that contains some kind of creative media. A recorded song, a poem or piece of music; a photo montage or a short video are all perfect for this project - but if you have any other ideas, run it by your teacher or project worker to see if it will fulfil the criteria. The CD or DVD will also need its own cover designed by you.

Your media must include the following:


  • A photograph/s taken by you used as the CD cover with added effects (text, image effects etc), or a photo montage of a number of images.

  • A recording of sound (your voice, someone else’s voice, any other sounds) that is then also edited (this could be cut, added sound effects or blended with other sounds)

  • A short piece of text, written by you to go inside your CD, DVD cover. This could be the lyrics to accompany your song, a short piece to describe your product or what influenced you in the production of your piece.

STEP 1.   Decide what you want to do and create a plan of action

If you were to make a song, for example, you may want to write a draft of the lyrics, an idea of what your written inside-cover text will be and an idea of what the cover will be. 


Acquire some feedback on you plan from a teacher, mentor, parent or carer.

STEP 3.   make any necessary changes

Based on the feedback you have received, make any necessary changes to your draft images/writing/lyrics, or whatever appears in your plans.

STEP 4.   


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